I've really come to feel disappointed in today's social morals and standard practices when it comes to dating. It seems to me that the majority of people in this generation seem determined to rush into physical intimacy as soon as hormonally possible. Sometimes as soon as the second, even first date.
Is romanticism dead? It truly feels that way to me more so these days when I observe my fellow men (and women). Such notions of romantic love seem to almost be shunned, viewed as if a toxic substance. Yet it is these very same ideals that I've embraced from a very young age, only to grow older and find out that a good portion of people today do not subscribe to these same principles.
And no, I don't blame society for what it is and what it wants to be, this is my personal problem. Maybe I've just been raised differently, but I've always viewed sexuality and physicality as being something with actual meaning, not something that is given freely to almost anyone. In my humble opinion, it devalues it. Sexuality for me denotes that something serious is happening in the relationship, regardless of what some people think.
Sometimes I feel I'd actually feel more comfortable a hundred years ago when dating was courting, and things were much more moralistic and proper. Obviously, this would come with it's own set of downsides as everything does, but I feel my mindset it more a kin with the ideas of romance, then blatant soulless sexuality.
There you have it in short. My current observations on all this silly stuff. I'm sure this bursts all of your collective bubbles on me being the rugged manly bad ass from Flavor Country. Sorry.
4 months ago