Wow, fantastic! You really like pretty much everything?! Quite the wide range of tastes there friend!
I'm really sick of reading how people say they like "pretty much all types of music." What an extremely broad statement to make. If it were true, I'd commend you on being extremely open and diverse in your musical interests, but alas, it usually is all ignorance.
"What? How is saying you like all types of music, ignorance?!"
Hold on there sport, I'll tell ya.
Let's take one of aforementioned persons who claims to like all types of music. One thing I see pretty consistently is the following:
MUSIC: Rap, R&B, Pop, rock, pretty much everything! LOL!!
First off, stop typing "lol", it makes you look like an idiot. Secondly, a heaping four genres do not comprise the entirety of the music universe, giving you allowance to use the phrase, "pretty much everything". Why is it that people who say such naive things usually list their primary forms of music digestion as Rap and R&B?? (Rhetorical)
When I encounter such a person on the topic of music, I usually first congratulate them on having such an open mind, then proceed with my usual disarming:
So, do you listen to Country?
"No, I don't really like Country"
Oh. Well, do you listen to Progressive Melodic Death Metal?
"Huh? I don't like anything heavy with the 'rah rah rah' (makes silly growling sounds) stuff in it."
I see. Well do you enjoy Cajun Zydeco music?
"I've never even heard of that!"
So you don't actually like ALL TYPES OF MUSIC DO YOU!!!!!
People, it's okay to enjoy a certain type of music, or a small number of bands/genres. There are many things I don't enjoy myself. But please just acknowledge that there are more styles of music out there then what you can find on the radio and MTV. The moral of today's story: Stop saying you like all types of music. You are wrong.
4 months ago
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