Hey everybody (all 12 of you). I'm excited to bring to you the grand opening of the DeprecationWear online merchandise store!
So far, it's a collection of T-shirts and other merchandise with sarcastic, self-deprecating, and elitist sayings and phrases, most of them taken right out of this jolly 'ol blog you follow right here.
They are things that I personally would like to wear, hence I make them, therefore you can* [*see: required by law and forced against your will to] wear them too.
Well, aren't we all self-important eh? You should care because by wearing these shirts, everyone will finally know what a pretentious, sarcastic, self-mocking ass you are... without ever having to talk to you to find that out!!
In fact, I'm surprised you've made it this far without a collection of T-shirts that proclaim your ridiculously low self-esteem from the roof tops! (Or from dark, damp alleys where you huddle in tears).
Have a dick-ish phrase or line that you like from one of my previous blogs? Want to wear that stupid line on a shirt? Let me know in the comments what I'm missing and if it's good, it just may become a mobile sweat-soaking, billboard of a body covering.
I aim to leave no self-loathing and ironic stone unturned!
I have about 9 different options up at the moment, with plenty more gems in the works. I'll post announcements on here any time I make a new hilarious or depressing piece of clothing.
By the way, may I recommend the most bad-ass coffee mug ever? Nothing says 'good morning' like a mug that reminds you of life's inherent awfulness by asking you if it's "Too early for suicide?"
Check HERE to see my wares!
buy unique gifts at Zazzle
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Tags: t-shirt merchandise clothing deprecation sarcastic sarcasm funny humor
4 months ago
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