[EDIT: Looks like I wrote this post too fast. I will forever be tarnished with a stupid spelling mistake in the address of this post! Oh, sweet shame! Why do you taunt me so!!]
Yo, yo, yo biznitches.
So, here we are in another arbitrary cut off point in our man-made cycle of time calculations.
By which I mean 2010.
Obviously I took a bit a of a break at the end of the year, but only for the reason that most of you were doing the same. No one does anything.
(Stupid end of year!).
I considered writing a piece on why I don't like Christmas, but decided against it, as it just seemed too... well... too obvious.
"Of course I don't like Christmas, right? What a trite idea." Everyone would expect that from me.
Though, perhaps if I do it in the right way, I might be able to make it work later on. Hmm... maybe.
Otherwise, You may have noticed that I've been "spiffing up" the King Of Deprecation blog. (Please notice. PLEEEEEEEAAAASEEEE. I depend on your Outside Validation for my self image).
I now have a three-column layout which makes things easier to find (which is why I immediately cluttered it up again so you would be confused).
I also added huge social networking buttons to the top and bottom of every post, as I figure these should scream out subconsciously to everyone, "click me!!!". Yes, this is just me trying to manipulate you into helping me promote myself.
(Pretty good eh?)
I have a few retrospective-style blogs I'm working on right now with additional commentary by a few of my readers (see: friends I bribed to help me), and have a bunch more ideas of things to overly-dissect going forward, including some pretty big personal revelations I had about myself at the very end of the year (the goal, of course, is to enjoy my story, then apply the idea to yourself, you see. You know? Self help? Life lessons? Feh! Never mind.)
Thanks for the support, comments, and criticisms.
I'll be getting back into the swing of posting very soon. (Wait. Isn't this a post? So technically, this is "the swing of things" then. Damn it! I'm in the swing already!!!)
*Falls of cliff*
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4 months ago