Observe how the Obama media machine and soulless liberal media jumped on Rush Limbaugh’s comments that he “wanted Obama to fail.”
Anyone with a half a brain knows Rush wants only this: for America to succeed and for anti-American policies to fail.
Someone with half a brain, sure. Someone with an entire brain sees how blatantly hypocritical that statement is, which I'll get to momentarily. But first off, how the hell do you know what Rush "really" means by his hate-mongering statement? To give it a quick psychological spin for a second, Ted, it is your interpretation of Rush's statements, combined with your own self-projection that give you this insight into what America's half-brained are thinking.
And what a way to add a fast, over-generalized character tarnishing:
"the Obama media machine and soulless liberal media".Do you just subscribe to the Rush Limbaugh eMail Talking-Point And Hate-Slander Newsletter? Congrats sir, you never have to form your own opinion again!
I'm so sick of the scapegoat phrase "liberal media" being used by those who feel that their ideas are being scrutinized for being poor ideas. That's right Ted, blame it on the faceless collective known as The Media (scary music plays). And since when is "reporting the news" distinctly liberal? Does that imply that not reporting the news is thereby the soulful conservative media?
So according to humanist philosopher "Nuge", for America to succeed, these so-called "anti-american" policies need to fail, eh? How about a little more enlightened progressive thinking? What if (and I know this sounds crazy), we try things that may have the potential to benefit the people of the country, regardless of whether those ideas are "American" or not? If it works, and society as a whole is more positive, taken care of, better educated and more productive, why can't we incorporate those ideas into what we are? Isn't progress American? Didn't progress get us to where we are today? (sans the Catholic church of course). Don't we want the best for ourselves? If you answered "yes" to any of these, then it seems your current ideology is outdated and is in need of restructuring to match the more socially progressive country we are slowly becoming. If the answer is "no", then you are anti-American, Mr. Scratch-Feverson.
To leave no doubt where I, your humble Motor City guitarslinger, stands, let me report without ambiguity, that I get down on bended knee daily and pray to God that he does what he can to ensure President Obama fails.Humble, my ass. But yes, Ted, there is no doubt about your perspectives as you seem to want to create a laughable towering stereotype of yourself, that desperately conforms to any and all conceptions, and even misconceptions, of what a biased christian conservative republican redneck is.
To repeat: I pray for President Obama to fail.What a douche (and I should probably add "redneck" again, since I rarely get to use the word). Not because his opinion and my opinion of the current president are possibly different. No, no. He is a douche for wanting the leader of the country he lives in to fail. Put it this way: If he did anything about this, as in made actions and plans to ensure that Obama will "fail", he is committing treason. Seriously. Now how American is that? Apparently very.
"I love America! I'm pro-America, and a patriot. . . for America! Now I want to see America suffer and crumble by praying to a supernatural divine authority that the current president, who does not share every one of my currently held views, will destroy this country through policies that are different from ones that were in place in the past, which scares me on the simple fact that they are different, thereby teaching him a lesson about his wrong-ness. . . and more importantly, my right-ness."
"What about all of the people who will be affected by his failure?"
"They need to learn their lesson too! They voted for a guy that I personally don't agree with. That'll show 'em! I need to be right."
Fuck, man. I was never a fan of Bush, like many, many others. I really don't talk about that much since it is such a redundant, trite topic. But even with my dislike of many the policies, ideologies and general personality of the former president, I never wished (since I don't pray) that he would fail. It's a simple trickle-down lesson. What do you think happens to us if the president fails? Good things? Rejoicing? Life lessons learned by all and then back to work as normal?
No. We get raped too. If our president literally fails, or our government literally fails, we, the people, feel the brunt of the storm. Therefore what the "Motor City guitarslinger" is really praying for (in terms of consequences), is that the American people fail, hurt, and shrivel up in as many ways as possible. God bless America! (Except for the president, and anyone who disagrees with you, or does things in a different way then you).
Yes, even though I personally disliked Bush, I still wanted him to do the best job he could. Why? Because it would be beneficial for me! This is important, so I'll repeat it: To wish the president will fail is to wish the American people will fail. In my book, that is truly anti-American. Oh! Burn! The sweet, sweet irony!
Like Rush, I wouldn’t want Obama to fail if his agenda weren’t built on feeding the gluttonous, unaccountable Fedzilla beast, so clearly the enemy of the free market, of real jobs and proven economic growth.
Since that is Obama’s agenda, however, those of us who believe in a limited federal government and the wondrous wealth-and-job-creating free market should hope, pray and work to ensure Obama’s anti-free market policies fall flat on their face.
Again, Theodore, you prove your amazing ability for direct insight into another human mind, this time with clairvoyance and precognition. Do you also read palms?
Hey reader! Were you aware there is only one proven way to achieve economic growth and create "real" jobs? (As opposed to those pesky phantom jobs). That would instantly make any other methods of economic growth or job creation complete bullshit right? Damn, the economy is so easy! Thanks Nuge!
Just for fun, let's pretend that the current model for doing business in America is not perfect. Just pretend. And now let's take it a step further and say that there are aspects of the current model for doing business that are being taken advantage of, and possibly causing harm to a large group of people. Should we still champion that philosophy as a whole? (Well yes, but still, should we?)
Just because aspects of something work, does not mean that everything about it does.
The free market philosophy has both strengths and weakness (like EVILution (yes, that is a joke)), as do other forms of doing business. We don't need to completely abandon one entire structure to implement ideas from another. Not every decision needs to be so black and white. "Either we are a democracy, or we are satanic, pedophiliac, mass-murdering shit-eaters!" Mmmmmmm. Feces.
One would have to be brain-dead to want to return to the economic doldrums of the Carter years and further embrace European-style socialism. But that’s where it appears America is headed with Obama in charge.Not everything within a given ideology is inherently bad. Not every idea within Islam or Christianity promotes hatred of others (surprisingly). Not every movie by Michael Bay will be god awful (surprisingly). Some aspects of Socialism and yes, even communism, could actually be beneficial, if implimented in the right way.
Look at Denmark. Recent surveys say they are the happiest country in the world. Free health care and free higher education means smarter and healthier people. Is that an evil thing? If something works, despite its sociopolitical label, why should we not use it? Who cares what it's called, as long as the country is all the better for it. Oh, thats right. Teddington and Rushy-poo care.
As for Rush, his ratings have increased. More have tuned in to a wonderful show where the man entertains and informs us. He’ll take on the libs with half his brain tied behind his back, just to make it fair.Wow, biased much? Now, I personally would have a hard time calling Rush, or his show "wonderful", but that is just my personal opinion, and entirely subjective. Teddy is welcomed to think that. Regardless of personal ideology, Rush is the last person I would put synonymously with human equality. He creates a strong "us and them" mentality for his listeners, which is similar to that of many of the wacky conspiracy theorists. He is a bastion of REgressive, instead of PROgressive social values, which incidentally are the ones that move us (get this) forward.
Ted spews out more of the "us and them" mentality coupled with the black and white dualistic approach by using the word "libs". Obviously short for liberals. Meaning anyone who is liberal about something, including recipes calling for salt and pepper. You and I know that everyone is easily categorized into two columns of good and bad, right and wrong. Now you see that anything that is liberal is pure badness. Oh, and stupid apparently. Don't forget stupid.
Yes, there are things that are considered Liberal that I don't think are great either. But does he not see that there are some conservative philosophies that are negative as well? Probably not, as Mr. "Gonzo" seems be the type of person who likes to subscribe fully to an ideology, even when there are things within it that could be proven negative or incorrect. This makes it easier for him to be identified in quick terminology, instead of being of being one of the ridiculous people who refuse to label themselves with the all-encompassing title of two blanket perspectives. I wonder what that reminds me of?
Remember your history and pray for President Obama to fail. I fear for America if we allow him to succeed.Okay, you see that? That's the very thing I hate about people in the mind set of Douche Fuck: Texas Ass Cunt. He "fears" for America if he (Obama) succeeds. What does success really mean here? Let's say Obama puts his plan into action and they create no jobs and put the country further into economic anal sludge, oh and everyone is godless and soulless, can't forget that important thing (it's not actually important or relevant, yet Ted still makes that "point"). Would that be a success? I highly doubt it.
A success means, not only were Obama's "half a brain" leftist, other-trash-talking-insults policies implemented, but they actually worked. Helped people. Made jobs, money, health care, education, infrastructure, jelly beans, significantly better. That is success. And this zebra-striped machine-gun-holding jerky enthusiast is fearing for something that works? What a dick. What an arrogant self-righteous human-hating dick.
Many seem to have a very skewed idea of what America stands for and what it is supposed to be. In fact I'm sure we all have a slightly different vision. I personally would love to see a society that comes back to the idea that being intelligent is a good thing; that what is best for the whole and the individual can be balanced; that humans, and all humans, should always be the top priority; that progress should be embraced, if not encouraged and incentivized; and the promotion of new ideas and perspectives are seen as vital to our positive development as individuals and as a society.
Ted Nugent: your advocacy of failure for our president, country and people is fear-based, hateful, regressive and most off all, anti-American. You are a hypocritical treasonous douche bag, but are still completely within your rights to publicly express your dissenting opinion, thanks to your progressively-minded, freethinking, socially-liberal founding forefathers. You're welcome.
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