In the course of working on this new blog page, which you see here, (I’ll wait while you look at it. . . . . . . .) I've been doing quite a bit of research on internet technologies and promotion.
Why do you care about that?
Because I’ve learned some nice tricks that will help ease your inter-nard browsing experience, while simultaneously benefiting lil' ol' me.
I should say that if you are already proficient in, and understand RSS and Feed Readers, then this blog may be of no interest to you (except for the comments in parenthesis). If what I just said was the same as saying “&*@^&)__#†¥ø∑øµπ∑µ” then this Bud’s for you.
If you’re like me (I envy you), then you have multiple websites you visit daily. Be it local and world news sites, the latest reviews and updates on new products and technology, blogs from friends (*ahem*) and other sites dealing with your hobbies and interests. The annoying part is that you have to manually check each site individually to see if there are any new updates, and with 20 plus sites, each with many articles, that gets retard-oid (Not retard OLD. "OID". Not to be confused with OYD, which is like a jewish robot). Am I right people? Can I get one of those witnesses that people seem to ask for all the time?
Well, what if instead of going out to look for information and entertainment, the internet came to you?
(I feel like I’m on an infomercial now)
That’s what the whole RSS dealy-bob is all about. I’m sure you’ve seen the little orange square that has radio waves emanating out, yes? That’s the RSS feed (which stands for Really Simple Syndication, or Rhetorical Salivating Sandals, both are widely accepted). It allows you to read the contents of that feed in a Feed Reader (makes sense so far) or in the browser itself (which usually looks like an ugly blue and white screen, so don’t do it that way).
Check out the video below for a quick explanation of RSS:
Not too shabby eh?
Now we move onto the Feed Reader part. This is the hub where you receive all of the updates from all of those ridiculous sites you like to go to (by the way, I highly disapprove of your interests and so does the Lord).
Some readers are separate applications you install on your computer and some are online based, meaning you can bookmark your reader page, and it stores all the sites you subscribe to (remember those stupid ones) and brings you continual updates for everything right when it happens.
Below is a two part tutorial on using the reader I’ve been using from Google. Can you guess what the program is called? It’s from Google. . . . and it’s a reader. What is it? That’s right, “Plmunteenarionchlink”.
I recommend watching both videos as Ed (the guy) explains some really great tips to make the experience easier and faster (and easier) (too).
If you decided to actually make it through those, you may see how convenient and organized it can make things for you.
Obviously you can always click the little right facing arrow in a circle (or the blue title or the article) to go directly to the web page version to view the entire article (if they only include part, as some do), to see media and images, and of course, (and this one involves my site so pay attention please) to leave comments on blogs. ---------------- *stares intensely*
WARNING: Although this saves me time in searching for information online, it’s actually pretty addicting to find new sites with RSS feeds and add them to your reader, thereby giving you too many things to read all day long. But the eventual upside is that by reading so much new information so rapidly, your brain will freakishly increase in size, and you will attain an understanding of everything that ever was, is, and will be. Give it about two weeks.
Hopefully you enjoyed this look at technology and it’s wondrous benefits. I’ll keep you posted with anything else that may be of interest to me, that helps you help me. To check out Google Reader go here:
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Technorati Tags: rss feed reader google web 2.0 humor homour sarcasm technology internet
4 months ago
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