Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Target Demographic (apparently)

I found this kind of funny. As you know I have ads on my page, some from coming from Google. What Google is supposed to do is search through the content on my page and pull up relevant ads to fit the potential demographic. For instance, if I wrote about cars, it might see that key word and put up ads for an auto parts store, or car magazine, or if I wrote about feces, it would most likely display ads for Taco bell and Focus On The Family. You get the deal.

For the most part thus far, I tend to write about social observations, philosophy and relationships (and other sillier things). So when I was updating my page and came across this ad, I was a bit confused:

Either Google Ads hasn't really parsed my content, or they know something about the people coming to this site that I don't.

I would never think that the majority of people reading my page are svelte size zeros, nor does it matter, but I doubt you will be clicking on this really attractive, appetizing ad for cellulite reduction.

Maybe I just don't know who I'm catering to.


  1. Everyone has to input their BMI before viewing your site, didn't Google tell you that?

  2. I thought that seemed a bit of a give away, by they assured me it was just for their own amusement. Those liars!

